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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

Drop Dead Fred

Posted by: Melissa
Date Submitted: Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 11:07:01
Date Posted: Monday, October 25, 1999 at 04:52:18

While it may not actually be my least favorite movie, it is most certainly the most annoying one I have ever seen, with annoying characters, an obnoxious and weak story, and not even any exceptional performances to help it out. I found literally nothing good about this film!

A monstrosity from practically the first minute, a child actress Ashley Peldon (who's only really entertaining performance is from some other bad film called "Child of Rage") is being read "Cinderella" to and remarks when it is finished "what a crock of %*&^." Well, bratty children just have to be about my least favorite film characters, and it turns out that this is a movie about a girl, Elizabeth, who behaves like a brat, due to the help of an imaginary friend called Drop Dead Fred. While scenes like that show the girl did well enough at being obnoxious on her own, Drop Dead Fred encourages her to make a bunch of messes to destroy her house and family until one day her mother "kills" him. Too bad he's not really dead. Drop Dead Fred just vanishes until the bratty child becomes an annoying adult. He hasn't changed, but she has. Now, instead of going along with him, she stares at Drop Dead Fred in horror until he basically ends up making her do bad things. The film's entire message is basically that it is okay to be obnoxious as long as it "loosens you up," and that's just...wrong. Drop Dead Fred is seen as a comical and fun-loving guy (the actor who plays him is Rik Mayal, but if it had been made a few years later it so would have been Jim Carrey), while the people like Elizabeth's mother, who try to tone her down, are regarded as villians. If Drop Dead Fred teases Elizabeth (which would most likely be in some annoying matter, involving slapstick bathroom humor, which naturally this film is rife with, or screeching, or making an irritating "rubbery" face, etc) about "becoming her mother," this is seen as a bad thing, even though the other dreadful alternative is becoming like him. Never in a million years.

Phoebe Cates (who stars), Marsha Mason, and Carrie Fisher do nothing to rise above their weak characters. Dutch director Ate de Jong directs, proving he should stick to Dutch films, since his "Flight of Rainbirds" was a worthwhile and entertaining film.

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