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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review


Posted by: Christian
Date Submitted: Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 18:43:53
Date Posted: Friday, October 8, 1999 at 06:59:03

Violence, violence, and more violence! This one's classic trash. But what could you expect from Ahhnhold? The premise is that terrorists want to use Schwartzenegger's character, Matrix, to assassinate a foreign official by kidnapping his daughter (from an unexplained mother) for bait. Before you know it, Arnold's spitting out one-liners at a mile a minute and brutally slaying hundreds of Latin American soldiers who had to have been taught to shoot by Stevie Wonder. The best part is the film's attempts to make the 6'2" behemoth with a thirst for blood look like a sensitive father figure to Alyssa Milano. It's so bad because you'd have to suspend your disbelief enough to believe this was a documentary film. It's bad even for Arnold. Watch it for a good laugh!

Response From RinkWorks:

This movie contains some of Arnold's best bad one-liners. And the end scene where he blows away an entire army is just icing on the cake.

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