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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

The Warrior and the Sorceress

Posted by: Dan Williamson
Date Submitted: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 at 15:42:58
Date Posted: Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 04:09:48

It's almost a given that every sword and sorcery movie will be bad enough for this site. This movie is a stunning example of the genre. And I don't mean stunning in a good way.

The movie has no sorceress that I could tell -- there is a sort of priestess, but all she does is get repeatedly captured by one warlord or the other.

The weird lizard thing that supposedly helps out one warlord its never explained or really does anything, and in the big fight scene at the end it is completely absent.

One warlord's troops all do this shouting thing like "hut hut hut hut" whenever they march. I think it was supposed to indicate that they are well trained, but it just sounds really funny.

At one point the Black One (David Carradine) is hiding under the altar of the mostly abandoned temple with the priest. They are really cramped in there until David notices a passageway leading away. Then they can stand and walk about.

Why does the fat warlord decide to make his final assault on the well after he knows it has gone dry?

There is probably more, but I don't want to recall the movie too well for fear that I will never forget it, and I'm definitely not watching it again without support.

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