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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

Wild Rebels

Posted by: Mike
Date Submitted: Saturday, July 31, 1999 at 19:29:52
Date Posted: Saturday, August 7, 1999 at 03:44:05

This has to be the worst movie of all time. I saw it on "Mystery Science Theater 3000", and if you are going to see it at all, see it that way.

It starts out with the opening credits and some cheesy theme song with repeated choruses of "WWWWIIIILLLLDD rebels! We're WWWIIIILLLDDDDD rebels!" The movie starts with the main character's race car blowing up. Firemen run up and blast away at the car with fire extinguishers. Cut to the main character trying to look concerned but only looking like an idiot. Then the main character's friend comes up and starts comforting him. Then the main character (now MC from now on) Then it cuts to the firemen blasting away with the fire extinguishers even though it is TOTALLY clear -- the fire is out.

Then the main character goes on top of a random car, and a crowd gathers for no reason at all. He says he is putting his truck and the stuff in it up for auction. The scene cuts to the truck's open back, and you see a guitar. Then he gets one bid, and the camera cuts back to the truck. The guitar is gone!

His weird friends are the only ones bidding on his truck with junk, and he sells it for a grand total of $430. So he walks to the truck and...the guitar is back!

MC grabs his precious guitar and some bag (of which we never discover the contents) and heads off to some bar. We see him SLOWLY walk inside the bar (it takes about two minutes) and walk up to the bartender. He says he wants a beer. The bartender says "what kind?" to which MC replies, "cold."

He dances with soem girl while these little dudes on stage sing this CHEESY song. Then we cut to the "Satan's Angels" gang...blah. What a cheap rip-off. They walk up to MC and say they know him from his racing days. MC decides he will go to their place with their girl Friday. Before the motorcycle gang leaves, they head back into the bar and beat up a few preppies for dancing with girl Friday. It looks so fake, it isn't even funny.

MC and girl Friday make out, blah blah. It seems Friday is in love with a different member of the gang each day. (How dumb.) We see the gang driving back with their headlights on in broad daylight. The gang convinces MC to join the gang (by threatening to kill him or something if he doesn't). Then MC sees a police officer, and the police officer asks him to be a spy for them or something. So he agrees.

The gang sends their girl Friday into a gun shop to kill the owner and steal guns and stuff. So she goes in, dressed like a nerd for a disguise, and talks to the owner. He thinks she is hot, so he listens to her every word. He even takes the safety off a pistol for her. What an idiot -- this is probably the dumbest scene in the movie.

So she obviously kills him, and she motions for her pals to run in. The fat guy of the gang giggles and acts like an idiot as he gets guns. They head to a bank and stupidly take the money. A STUPID chase scene follows, in which they head to a lighthouse, while Fat Guy takes pot shots at the police car. They go into the lighthouse and continue to shoot at the police. Then they find out MC is a traitor and try to kill him. Fat Guy gets shot, and it looks SO fake ,as all he does is slump down. No one is this movie can act, apparently.

Obviously, all this is followed by the obligatory Falling Off the Spiral Stairs thing, but I guess they couldn't pay for special effects, because it looked stupid and fake, like everything else in this movie. Girl Friday is the only survivor, other than MC and the police, and gets jailed. MC is just congratulated. Roll credits. This movie sucks too much to believe. If you are going to see it, see MST3K version.

Rating: 4 turkeys.

Scene to watch for: The preppies getting beat up.

Best line: "Three on one is not much fun!"

Things that make you go "Huh?": The disappearing guitar.

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