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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland (aka: Nightmare Vacation III)

Posted by: Mike Dikk
Date Submitted: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 at 00:45:12
Date Posted: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 at 12:01:20

Angela's back one more time.

I must commend the writers of the film for not killing her off in the second one, so she didn't need some overly elaborate way of coming back for the third one (e.g., a lightning bolt).

The film begins with Angela killing someone right off the bat. The person she kills just HAPPENS to look like her, so she takes her ID and gets on the bus to go to camp! Ironically, it's the same camp where she's killed twice before. How Angela got into a city, how she found out the camp was reopening, and what she was doing between parts 2 and 3 are not explained. This gives all you viewers a chance to use your imaginations.

So Angela is taken to the camp they reopened for the purpose of bringing inner-city kids together with suburban kids so they can all appreciate nature or something. The movie was made in 1988, and EVERY stereotype imaginable was played out in this movie...horribly I may add. You really need to see it to truly appreciate it.

Here's where the complete silliness kicks in. For one, they totally believe Angela is a teenager even though she's about thirty by this point. Also, one of the camp counselors just happens to be the guy who arrested Angela in part 1 and whose son died by Angela's hands in part 2 -- but he doesn't even notice it's her. Go figure.

As you may guess, Angela goes on a killing spree without anyone really noticing. She uses all kinds of elaborate killing methods such as running someone over with a lawnmower and hanging another on a flagpole. I'd like to know why no one fights back. Angela isn't a big girl. Maybe 120 at the most. Oh well.

The stereotypes get picked off one by one, until there are two left. Of course it's an inner city kid and a suburban kid who've managed to get over their differences and fall in love.

As if you need any more reason to go out and rent this movie right now, the stereotyped cast includes a latino gang member who wears a bandanna AROUND HIS NECK, a punk rock kid who spray paints really awful anarchy symbols on things, and a Street Tough Gangsta Rap type kid who carries a switchblade and a boombox.

WARNING: This movie contains bad heavy metal music.

Rating: 4.5 turkeys. Not quite as good as the second one.

Best line: Innocent Girl to Gang Member: "What's it like being Mexican?" Gang Member to Innocent Girl: " know, the baggy pants, the lowriders, the BAHNDAHNAHS."

Interesting fact: This movie was made the same year as part 2 (1988). I'd like to find out the reason behind that, because I don't imagine the Sleepaway Camp series raked in a bunch of money.

Response From RinkWorks:

Yikes. These movies sound much too much like the wretched "Friday the 13th" series for me, but I'll reserve judgment. As for why parts 2 and 3 were released the same year, my suspicion is that they were filmed at the same time, but I'm not sure about that.

Another interesting fact: The characters in the movie were named after characters in "West Side Story" and "The Brady Bunch."

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