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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers (aka: Nightmare Vacation II)

Posted by: Mike Dikk
Date Submitted: Monday, July 19, 1999 at 09:58:37
Date Posted: Tuesday, July 27, 1999 at 00:38:23

Some people out there might actually argue that the first installment of the "Sleepaway Camp" series was actually scary. I would attempt to review the first one, but that's a road too painful for me to even travel. "Sleepaway Camp II" is hands down my favorite bad movie. It has all key elements that make a horrible movie, including dumb lines said by the killer and very bad acting.

The story starts out around a campfire where they pretty much clue you in on what happened in the first one. All the people around the campfire discuss what happened to the killer (Angela Baker, played by Pamela Springsteen, Bruce's sister). Of course, just by coincidence, one of the kids attending camp (all the "kids" are in their mid-twenties but play teenagers) happened to be the chief of police's son who happened to work on the Angela Baker case.

Anyhow, Angela Baker is back on the scene, this time as a camp counselor. It's discovered within the first five minutes of the movie that Angela went to a psycho hospital, got rehabilitated, and somehow got a job at the same camp where she killed everyone. Angela kills the first loudmouth kid with a big log right after the campfire scene. Flash to the opening credits with bad heavy metal music. One by one kids start dropping like flies. Angela keeps telling all the head counselors that she "sent the campers home for doing bad things." Killings include the aformentioned log beating, burning two sisters alive on a grill, drilling someone's face in, stuffing a girl down a commode, giving a battery acid bath, and the one scene where Angela takes on the guises of Freddy Krueger and Leatherface.

Well, to make a long story short, the cast dwindles down to the cop's son and the innocent girl. The cop's son quickly dies. The innocent girl and Angela play the whole "I'm a horror movie killer, and I'm gonna chase you through the woods" game. Innocent Girl finally gets away and tries to flag someone down to take her away from this horrible place. Guess who she flags down? Angela! The movie ends, and more bad heavy metal music plays.

Rating: five turkeys.

Response From RinkWorks:

Trivia note: Several of the characters are named after Brat Pack members.

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