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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

Event Horizon

Posted by: Daniel Kiwi
Date Submitted: Thursday, June 3, 1999 at 19:33:37
Date Posted: Sunday, June 6, 1999 at 18:22:17

Here, we have an example of a hybrid bad movie. My definition of the term is a movie that is in some ways pretty awful but in other ways really cool. I'm afraid "Event Horizon" teeters a little more toward the awful. This movie even succumbs to the following major cliches (the first one, though not as much a cliche, is very predictable):

#1: The ship comes to life.

#2: Most of the characters die.

#3: A main character has some unresolved problem with his past, probably involving some incident he feels guilty about.

We start the movie with a pretty strange dream, and this fellow wakes up. Yadda yadda, useless stuff. We find out that seven years ago, the spaceship Event Horizon disappeared along with its crew and has now come back. The ship was a transport, capable of folding space in order to travel vast distances instantly. They (the guy who had the bad-acid-trip dream and his little crew) have to find out why. Blah blah. Arrive at ship. The gravity has been turned off. While looking for a way to turn it on, as well as after turning it on, they find some REEEEAALLLY subtle evidence that the crew has been killed. They find a severely damaged version of the last recording the crew made in the log. Though mostly static and random noise, one of the characters distinguishes the phrase "Liberatae Mae," Latin for "Save me." Hold the phone. Latin is without a doubt NOT exactly the native language of the guy doing the recording. Why didn't he just say "Save me"? Then one guy, who is investigating the engineering section of the ship (this may not be in proper chronological order) reaches the main engine. For some reason, the ship's gate warp activates, and this guy has the idiocy to stick his hand in the rippling hole that appears in the air. Something, predictably, grabs him and pulls him in. Fortunately, he had a cord of some sort trailing behind him, and the captain of the group comes in and pulls him out, maimed and unconscious. Question! Why the heck did the space-folding portal open INSIDE the ship? Is the ship supposed to fold in on itself and enter a portal inside its own body? Later on, a rather pathetic scene ensues with the guy who got sucked through the portal, involving bad acting combined with unrealistic lines. You'll just have to see this movie for yourself. I won't tell you how it turns out exactly. It actually had some pretty cool parts and concepts, but there may be some bits you'd like to laugh at with friends, especially ones with MST3K personalities. One and a half turkeys.

Scene to watch for: The scientist goes down into the vents. I got REALLY edgy here. Of course, it was late at night, and I was tired.

Best line: "You won't need eyes where we're going."

Things that make you go "Huh?": The suicidal guy changing his mind, and the gate opening INSIDE the ship. I just can't get over that last one.

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