Archives: Mountain Dew Party
Mountain Dew is always worth throwing a party for, especially if it provides
a good excuse to bring back some old friends from
Bot Tournament #3.
Periodically, people make reference to how the screen looks. That's because
I set the chat frame background to show this Mountain
Dew can in the upper right corner. More intrusively, the ad banner
frame, user list frame, and lobby all had this
Mountain Dew fizz for backgrounds.
Sam has entered.
TalkingDog has entered.
Nyperold has entered.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'MOUNTAIN DEW BATHING PARTY!' by Sam.
Goosey has entered.
Broadcast Message from Sam: The Mountain Dew Bathing Party has begun! Seventh person to enter wins a free Dew bath!
Goosey is away.
* Nyperold gets a soda, even though it's Coca-Cola.
Maryam has entered.
Revan has entered.
Sam: Haha. Now everybody's going to hang out in the lobby waiting to be seventh...or not.
Revan has left.
Revan has entered.
[RinkChat] User Revan has been kicked from the room by Sam.
Revan has left.
Revan has entered.
Sam: Aww, Revan left before I could give him the prize.
Revan: Aw, now I'm 8.
Kysle has entered.
Randy has entered.
Kysle: WOO!
Kysle: Oh.
Kysle: Oh, yay
Kysle: You don't provide the Dew?
Sam: No, the *bath* is free. Not the Dew.
Kysle: Pff.
Goosey is back.
TopicBot has been summoned by Sam.
* TalkingDog wonders when he started putting Rs in his random shouts.
Randy: hehe
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'A Mountain Dew eyedrop a day keeps the optometrist awake.' by TopicBot.
TalkingDog: LOL
Maryam: LOL
TalkingDog: Ow.
Nyperold: What, you didn't actually try putting MD in your eye, did you?
* Goosey pops open her VERY FIRST DEW
Goosey: wow -- there's like NO taste after 2 seconds . . .
TalkingDog: No taste?
Goosey: LOL no
Goosey: I mean, there's no aftertaste. I swallow the stuff and it disappears
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Don't you wish snot tasted like Dew?' by TopicBot.
Kysle: No! That would hurt.
Nyperold: No, I Dew snot.
Kysle: I've had Dew up my nose. It's not pleasant.
: Say, Brianna! You sure are in a great mood today! To what do I owe the wonderful glow about you?
Maryam: Gasp!
* Goosey waves "hi" to Ricardo!
: Why, Ricardo, I'm always chipper as a skinny dipper when I have Mountain Dew! The cool refreshing taste of Mountain Dew keeps my smile on!
Randy: LOL!
Nyperold: Ooh, an interquel!
NessaChan has entered.
NessaChan: Ricardo!
* TalkingDog's brain giggles inside his head.
Maryam: That is a really weird mental image.
Maryam: How long have you been up this time?
TalkingDog: LOL. Not that long.
: Oh, of course, Brianna! How could I forget? Why, the sparkly taste of Mountain Dew is sure to sweeten the sour, cheer the dour! And Mountain Dew makes good windshield washer fluid, too! Why, one spray of Mountain Dew will keep any windshield fresh and new!
NessaChan: It even keeps the sun out of your eyes!
: Oh, darling, you dew have a way with words!
: *laugh*
: *laugh*
Goosey: sheesh
TalkingDog: gawh
Do the Dew.
Maryam: Mountain Dew. It's what plants crave.
Randy: Maryam: YES! LOL!
Maryam: Randy: Awesome. I was hoping someone would get that.
BlitzBot has been summoned by Sam.
BlitzBot: Starting a new speed game:
BlitzBot: 104. Desk supplies.
Randy: stapler
Sam: pencil
Randy: pencil
Maryam: pen
NessaChan: stapler
Randy: pen
Maryam: paper
NessaChan: tape
Randy: staples
Maryam: staple remover
Maryam: glue
Nyperold: three-hole punch
Maryam: phone
NessaChan: staple remover
Randy: notepad
Randy: desk
NessaChan: egg nog
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer staples.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer pencils.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer pens.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer note paper.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer tape.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer glue.
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer hole punch.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: paper clips.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: erasers.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: scissors.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: correction fluid.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: ruler.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +2, Randy: +2, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, Sam: +1.
Randy: computer
Goosey: ack
NessaChan: paperclips
BlitzBot: 603. Things people say they have too many/much of.
Randy: food
NessaChan: shoes
Goosey: time
Goosey: stuff
Goosey: money
Randy: friends
NessaChan: clothes
Randy: good time
NessaChan: cats
Randy: girls
Randy: guys
Randy: kids
Goosey: lice
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer housework.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: bills.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: homework.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: stress.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: responsibilities.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: distant relatives.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: NessaChan: +1.
NessaChan: food
Randy: wow
Goosey: eech
NessaChan: o_o
Goosey: I was way off
Randy: Go Nessa!
* NessaChan has no idea how any of her answers wer housework
Randy: lol!
BlitzBot: 449. Sea mammals.
Goosey: seals
Randy: whale
Nyperold: manatee
Randy: orcar
Goosey: whales
NessaChan: dewgong
Goosey: otter
TalkingDog: DEWGONG
Goosey: sea lion
NessaChan: dolphin
Randy: sea lion
NessaChan: otter
Goosey: walrus
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer seal.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer whale.
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer manatee.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer otter.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer sea lion.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer dolphin.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer walrus.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: porpoise.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Goosey: +4, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1.
NessaChan: walrus
Goosey: woot!
Nyperold: "I used to be a boyatee, but then I grew up!"
NessaChan: it's the cow of the sea-ea-ea
Goosey: nyp: lol
BlitzBot: 8. Things that occur once every four years.
Goosey: leap years
Randy: election
Goosey: my uncle's birthday
Randy: woodstock
Goosey: I have a date
NessaChan: olympics
Sam: Goosey: LOL, awww.
Goosey: sam: hehe
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer leap year.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer presidential election.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer summer olympics.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: winter olympics.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Goosey: +1, NessaChan: +1, Randy: +1.
Nyperold: summer olympics
Randy: I have no idea
* Goosey reels from caffeine buzz
BlitzBot: 294. Famous canals.
NessaChan: lol
Goosey: suez
Randy: love
Randy: erie
Randy: panama
Maryam: root
NessaChan: me too
Goosey: hudson
Nyperold: auditory
NessaChan: erie
Goosey: panama
Goosey: ear
Sam: ear
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer Suez.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer Erie.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer Panama.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Randy: +2, Goosey: +1.
Sam: erie
Randy: Goosey: TIED
Goosey: RAR
Goosey: ;)
Randy: hehe
Maryam is back.
Maryam: Someone knocked on my door.
Randy: Who was it?
Maryam: My landlady/sister's mother-in-law/my substitute mom and also friend.
Maryam: It is so hard to describe our relationship in one word, hehe.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'One time I sat in a bowl of Mountain Dew. Boy did that make me popular!' by TopicBot.
BlitzBot: 360. Things you would need if you were lost at sea.
Goosey: compass
Randy: raft
Randy: food
Goosey: water
Randy: not to get eaten
Goosey: sextant
Maryam: boat
Goosey: map
NessaChan: water
Maryam: radio
Nyperold: broadband
Goosey: life vest
NessaChan: seagulls
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer compass.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer life raft.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer food.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer drinking water.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer sextant.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer map.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer radio.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer life preserver.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Goosey: +5, Randy: +2, Maryam: +1.
NessaChan: lifeboat
Randy: life preserver
Randy: Sea turtles...
Goosey: randy: lol
Goosey: and a hairy back
Randy: Right!
BlitzBot: 504. Attachments on a Swiss Army knife.
Randy: awl
Goosey: scissors
Randy: scissor
Nyperold: usb stick
Goosey: magnifying glass
Goosey: knife
Goosey: fork
Randy: file
Goosey: compass
Randy: toothpick
Nyperold: corkscrew
Maryam: toothpick
Goosey: toothpick
Randy: kinfe
Goosey: tweezers
Goosey: pliers
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer scissors.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer knife.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer file.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer toothpick.
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer corkscrew.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer tweezers.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer pliers.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: saw.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: screwdriver.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: bottle opener.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: wrench.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Goosey: +4, Randy: +2, Nyperold: +1.
Goosey: pener
Nyperold: scissors
Maryam: pener?
Goosey: can opener
Randy: Pener!
Goosey: it got eaten
Randy: hehehe
Nyperold: Pener and Tell!
Goosey: hehe
BlitzBot: 243. Besides clothes, things a clown wears.
Maryam: nose
Randy: shoes
Maryam: hat
Goosey: nose
Randy: makeup
Goosey: flower
Maryam: buttons
Randy: flower
Goosey: smile
Randy: hat
Maryam: gloves
NessaChan: wig
Goosey: suspenders
Randy: gloves
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer rubber nose.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer make-up.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer squirting flower.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer wig.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Goosey: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Randy: +1.
NessaChan: tiny car
Goosey: frown
Randy: balloon animals!
Nyperold: Balloon hat, maybe.
BlitzBot: 817. Things only obsessive people would iron.
Maryam: underwear
Goosey: ties
Goosey: socks
Maryam: t-shirt
Randy: pans
Goosey: napkins
TalkingDog: napkins
Nyperold: tires
TalkingDog: LOL
Randy: um
Nyperold: fire
Randy: hehe
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer underwear.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer ties.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer socks.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: curtains.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: bedsheets.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: handkerchiefs.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Goosey: +2, Maryam: +1.
Goosey: ribons
* TalkingDog dies.
NessaChan: underpants
NessaChan: hankies
* NessaChan irons both handkerchiefs and bedsheets but not socks or undies or ties.
* Goosey doesn't even own an iron
BlitzBot: 919. Mythical multi-headed creatures.
Maryam: chimera
Maryam: hydra
Goosey: hydra
Maryam: cerberus
Goosey: um
NessaChan: cerberus
Randy: king gohidra
Nyperold: doduo
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer Chimera.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer The Lernaean Hydra.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer Cerberus.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Ladon.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Orthrus.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Nemean Lion.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Hecatonchires.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Janus.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +3.
Goosey: nice Maryam
NessaChan: Fluffy
Goosey: hehe
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Dew + Hiccups: Taste it again...and again...and again....' by TopicBot.
BlitzBot: 779. Take-out foods.
Maryam: chinese
Maryam: burger
Maryam: fries
Goosey: taco
NessaChan: mexican
Randy: pizza
Goosey: fries
NessaChan: pizza
NessaChan: gyro
Randy: fried chicken
NessaChan: greek
Goosey: fish sandwich
Nyperold: filet mignon
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer Chinese.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer burgers.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer french fries.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer pizza.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer fried chicken.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer fish and chips.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: hot dogs.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: ice cream.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +3, Randy: +2, Goosey: +1.
Randy: gumbo!
Maryam: sushi
Maryam: Now I'm hungry.
Randy: ditto
BlitzBot: 628. European nation capitals.
Maryam: paris
Nyperold: prague
Maryam: london
Maryam: oslo
Randy: oslo
Maryam: berlin
Nyperold: athens
NessaChan: budapest
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer Paris (France).
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer Prague (Czech Republic).
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer London (UK).
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer Oslo (Norway).
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer Berlin (Germany).
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer Athens (Greece).
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer Budapest (Hungary).
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Dublin (Ireland).
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Vienna (Austria).
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Bern (Switzerland).
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Luxembourg City (Luxembourg).
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Brussels (Belgium).
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Madrid (Spain).
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Lisbon (Portugal).
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Rome (Italy).
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Amsterdam (Netherlands).
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Copenhagen (Denmark).
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Stockholm (Sweden).
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Helsinki (Finland).
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Warsaw (Poland).
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Sofia (Bulgaria).
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Kiev (Ukraine).
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Reykjavik (Iceland).
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +4, Nyperold: +2, NessaChan: +1.
Randy: Places I'll never go for 150, Alex...
BlitzBot: 708. Things you run out of.
Maryam: ink
Maryam: ime
Maryam: time
Randy: money
Maryam: church
Nyperold: burning buildings
BlitzBot: Sam's score has been incremented by 1 point.
NessaChan: milk
TalkingDog: Sam beat.
NessaChan: paint
NessaChan: tape
Maryam: bread
Randy: sleep
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer milk.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer bread.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: napkins.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: tissues.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: toilet paper.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: soap/detergent.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: chocolate.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: soda.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: sugar.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: flour.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: energy.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: patience.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: hot water.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: gas.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: stamps.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: trash bags.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1.
Nyperold: ideas
NessaChan: patience
BlitzBot: 478. Adventure Games Live games.
Goosey: sierra nevada
Maryam: fantasy quest
Randy: SOAT
Randy: hehe
Maryam: fantasy quest ii
Goosey: starlight
Goosey: game of the ages
Nyperold: drinkers of the lost dew
Maryam: mystery of brackly hall
BlitzBot: Nyperold's score has been incremented by 1 point.
Goosey: brackly hall
Goosey: trainer
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer Fantasy Quest.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer Fantasy Quest II.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer The Game of the Ages.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer The Mystery of Brackly Hall.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer The Trainer.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Early Years.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Perils of Akumos.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Trail of Anguish.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Outlaws of the Sierra Nevadas.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Escape From St. Mary's.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +3, Goosey: +2.
Maryam: perils of akumos
NessaChan: Big scary monster fashion designer adventure space cadet
NessaChan: I didn't get a point for DEWgong
BlitzBot: NessaChan's score has been incremented by 1 point.
Sam: I missed it.
NessaChan: lol, thanks.
BlitzBot: 825. Things children get dressed up for.
Maryam: church
Goosey: halloween
Maryam: wedding
Maryam: confirmation
Goosey: church
NessaChan: picture day
Goosey: play
Randy: funeral
Goosey: fun
Randy: playing
NessaChan: party
Maryam: birthday
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer church.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer Halloween.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer wedding.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer school pictures.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer play.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer funeral.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer dance.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Goosey: +2, Maryam: +2, NessaChan: +2, Randy: +1.
Nyperold: execution
Goosey: picnic
NessaChan: birthday
Kalimeris has entered.
Kalimeris: Look at all the Dewwwwwww
redsang has entered.
BlitzBot: 235. Street signs.
Randy: stop
Goosey: SANG
NessaChan: yeild
Randy: alto
Maryam: yield
NessaChan: yield
Nyperold: !
Maryam: hospital
Randy: merge
Goosey: curve ahead
Maryam: no right turn on red
NessaChan: wrong way
NessaChan: dead end
NessaChan: detour
Randy: slow kids playing
Maryam: slippery when wet
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer Stop.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer Yield.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer Wrong Way.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: One Way.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Do Not Enter.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Construction Ahead.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Speed Limit.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Exit.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Keep Right.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Randy: +1.
Goosey: right lane must turn
Nyperold: dogs worrying sheep may be shot
Maryam: Great, now they have anxiety issues.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Mountain Dew: What Staying Awake Is Worth Staying Awake For' by TopicBot.
BlitzBot: 514. Dr. Seuss books.
Maryam: hop on pop
Randy: if if ran the Zoo
Goosey: red fish blue fish
Maryam: the cat in the hat
Goosey: fox in socks
Randy: Horton hears a who
Nyperold: oh the places you'll go
redsang: the lorax
Maryam: green eggs and ham
Goosey: horton hatches an egg
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer Hop On Pop.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer The Cat In the Hat.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer Fox In Socks.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer Horton Hears a Who.
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer Oh the Places You'll Go!.
BlitzBot: redsang wins a point with answer The Lorax.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer Green Eggs and Ham.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Cat In the Hat Comes Back.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: There's a Wocket In my Pocket.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Horton Hatches the Egg.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: If I Ran the Zoo.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: If I Ran the Circus.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Yertle the Turtle.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: I Had Trouble In Getting To Solla Sollew.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Sneetches.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The King's Stilts.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Oh Say Can You Say?.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: I Can Read With My Eyes Shut.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Butter Battle Book.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Scrambled Eggs Super.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: On Beyond Zebra.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +3, Goosey: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, redsang: +1.
Goosey: the sneetches
Nyperold: butter battle book
Goosey: ack
redsang: woot
redsang: my screen isn't big enough for all this fun
BlitzBot: Sam's score has been incremented by 1 point.
Goosey: hehe
BlitzBot: Sam's score has been incremented by 1 point.
Randy: lol!
BlitzBot: 834. Things that might get stolen out of a back yard.
Randy: kids
Goosey: tires
Randy: dogs
Randy: cats
Maryam: hammock
redsang: bicycle
Maryam: chairs
Goosey: kids
NessaChan: picnic furniture
Randy: basketballs
Goosey: swing
Sam: mountain dew
BlitzBot: Sam's score has been incremented by 1 point.
NessaChan: grill
Goosey: table
NessaChan: barbecue
redsang: barbecue
Nyperold: bottle of dew
Sam: Nyp: Haha, I beat.
Goosey: barbecue
redsang: oops
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer dog.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer hammock.
BlitzBot: redsang wins a point with answer bicycle.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer chair.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: fence.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: sign.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: toys.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: clothes on a clothesline.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: gardening tools.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +2, Randy: +1, redsang: +1.
Goosey: bleh
Maryam: Whoa, hammock was in there.
* Maryam had a hammock stolen. :-(
Randy: awww
Sam: :-(
BlitzBot: 520. Frequently mispronounced words.
Maryam: february
redsang: escape
Maryam: library
Maryam: ask
Goosey: supposedly
Nyperold: nuclear
Goosey: across
redsang: across
Sam: comfortable
NessaChan: chimney
Maryam: often
NessaChan: creek
redsang: doh
Randy: anything with "X" in it by me
NessaChan: wolf
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer library.
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer nuclear.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer across.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer comfortable.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer often.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Arctic.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: athlete.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: espresso.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: insouciant.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: lambaste.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: menstruation.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: minuscule.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: nuptial.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: plenitude.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: probably.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: pronunciation.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: toward.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +2, Goosey: +1, Nyperold: +1, Sam: +1.
Goosey: excersize
Maryam: How is "chimney" mispronounced?
Nyperold: Chimbley?
Goosey: chiminey
NessaChan: "Chimley"
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Mountain Dewwww, Mountain Dewwww, Where Will Youuuu, Meet Your Mountain Dewwww?' by TopicBot.
Grishny has entered.
Randy: Hey Grish!
BlitzBot: 1. Things with wheels.
Randy: bus
Goosey: cars
Randy: cars
Goosey: wagons
BlitzBot: Sam's score has been incremented by 1 point.
redsang: watch
Maryam: Nessa: Really?? Huh.
Grishny: mountain dew
Goosey: heads
Maryam: bike
redsang: unicycle
NessaChan: segways
Goosey: skates
NessaChan: wagon
BlitzBot: Sam's score has been incremented by 1 point.
NessaChan: cart
Nyperold: vroomba
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer bus.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer car.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer truck.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer bicycle.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer roller skates.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer shopping carts.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: train.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: wheelbarrow.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: skateboard.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: stroller.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Goosey: +2, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Randy: +1, Sam: +1.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins!
NessaChan: matchbox cars
Goosey: skateboard
Sam: Awww, man. I was hoping to win entirely by cheating.
Maryam: Sam: hehehe
Randy: Yay Maryam!
Goosey: Yay Maryam!
redsang: all this dew is making me feel sticky
* TalkingDog blindfolds himself, spins around 20 times, and throws a harpoon!
: Say, Ricardo. What are you writing?
: More like, what am I not writing? I have to deliver a speech at the charity event tonight, and I just don't have any idea what to say.
: Nary a thing to say? Nonsense! How about the cool refreshing taste of Mountain Dew? Why, anyone could talk for hours about that wonderful carbonated beverage that can add so much pleasantness to the way you live.
NessaChan: And it originally made fun of hillbillies
: What a fool I've been! And you're so right, Brianna. Mountain Dew is one of those exquisite pleasures of modern life. It adds to our happiness in entertaining guests -- perfecting special occasions and enhancing our enjoyment of every day meals.
: Yes, Ricardo. Why, a glass of Mountain Dew would be very pleasant right now, sit back, and watch the next bot game!
Do the Dew.
Randy: This stuff reminds me of old cigarette comercials.
SearchBot has been summoned by Sam.
SearchBot: Starting a new game:
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) Lee, (2) Felisha, (3) Amada, (4) Tiffani, (5) Julissa, (6) Shelby, (7) Sybil, (8) Nada, (9) Hanna.
redsang: 2
[SearchBot->redsang] Your answer was not accepted because it was posted publicly. Please submit your answer privately, with the /b command.
Maryam: redsang: Preface your answer with /b
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: Lee (185,000,000) [+3] (Goosey, Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold)
SearchBot: Answer: Nada (30,600,000) [+2]
SearchBot: Answer: Shelby (16,400,000) [+1]
SearchBot: Answer: Hanna (14,600,000) (Randy, TalkingDog)
SearchBot: Answer: Sybil (7,350,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Amada (3,640,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Tiffani (3,100,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: Julissa (227,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: Felisha (45,000) [-3] (redsang)
Randy: Dang.
redsang: ouch
TalkingDog: Oops. Totally didn't even read "Lee".
Grishny: This is a weird game.
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) circumnavigate, (2) preoccupation, (3) sandman, (4) sestina, (5) flint, (6) conglomeration, (7) grout, (8) let, (9) aerie.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: let (613,000,000) [+3] (Goosey, Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, TalkingDog)
SearchBot: Answer: flint (20,700,000) [+2]
SearchBot: Answer: sandman (3,290,000) [+1] (Randy, redsang)
SearchBot: Answer: grout (1,360,000) (Grishny)
SearchBot: Answer: preoccupation (1,220,000)
SearchBot: Answer: aerie (492,000)
SearchBot: Answer: conglomeration (383,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: circumnavigate (352,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: sestina (116,000) [-3]
Goosey: woot!
redsang: woot
Grishny: Oooooh, I ate too much soup.
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the fewest search results? (1) Wicks, (2) Rosenbaum, (3) Beverly, (4) Monaghan, (5) Greer, (6) Samples, (7) Loving, (8) Dehart, (9) Eckert.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: Dehart (274,000) [+3]
SearchBot: Answer: Rosenbaum (1,300,000) [+2] (TalkingDog)
SearchBot: Answer: Eckert (3,000,000) [+1]
SearchBot: Answer: Wicks (3,360,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Greer (5,090,000) (Randy)
SearchBot: Answer: Monaghan (7,230,000) (Goosey, Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold)
SearchBot: Answer: Beverly (42,300,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: Loving (63,800,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: Samples (439,000,000) [-3] (Grishny, redsang)
redsang: oops. misread the question
NessaChan: well, Dehart would have been my second guess
NessaChan: surprised that rosenbaum was second though
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) bellboys, (2) dehydrates, (3) earlap, (4) novemdecillion, (5) foundered, (6) cirri, (7) monoclinic, (8) conurbation, (9) ashore.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: ashore (2,540,000) [+3] (Nyperold)
SearchBot: Answer: foundered (373,000) [+2] (Goosey)
SearchBot: Answer: conurbation (305,000) [+1]
SearchBot: Answer: cirri (249,000)
SearchBot: Answer: monoclinic (140,000)
SearchBot: Answer: dehydrates (84,400) (NessaChan)
SearchBot: Answer: bellboys (61,000) [-1] (Maryam, Randy, redsang)
SearchBot: Answer: earlap (11,300) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: novemdecillion (1,990) [-3]
redsang: what is conurbation?
Maryam: Ow.
* Randy is pointless
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the fewest search results? (1) plying, (2) aplacental, (3) teemed, (4) includable, (5) curvet, (6) diaereses, (7) bumblebees, (8) curr, (9) insultation.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: diaereses (5,150) [+3] (Grishny, Maryam, NessaChan, Randy)
SearchBot: Answer: aplacental (6,550) [+2] (Goosey, redsang)
SearchBot: Answer: includable (23,400) [+1] (Nyperold)
SearchBot: Answer: curvet (51,700)
SearchBot: Answer: teemed (84,900)
SearchBot: Answer: plying (271,000)
SearchBot: Answer: bumblebees (308,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: curr (2,110,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: insultation (46,000,000) [-3]
redsang: yay! positive points
Grishny: I wish I had an icy cold Mountain Dew right now
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the fewest search results? (1) 636138, (2) 176564, (3) 238252, (4) 244158, (5) 803857, (6) 797872, (7) 185503, (8) 053086, (9) 819642.
Goosey: yay!
Goosey: um . . .
Grishny: Not touching this one.
redsang: zip code
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: 797872 (991) [+3]
SearchBot: Answer: 636138 (2,060) [+2]
SearchBot: Answer: 053086 (2,900) [+1] (Goosey, NessaChan, Nyperold, redsang)
SearchBot: Answer: 819642 (3,540) (Maryam)
SearchBot: Answer: 803857 (3,780)
SearchBot: Answer: 244158 (5,040)
SearchBot: Answer: 238252 (5,970) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: 176564 (7,450) [-2] (Randy)
SearchBot: Answer: 185503 (10,300) [-3]
Goosey: yay! I guessed good!
Randy: Dang, missed that one
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) Colin, (2) Terrence, (3) Maria, (4) Randy, (5) Darryl, (6) Connie, (7) Woodrow, (8) Christoper, (9) Marquis.
10Kan has entered.
10Kan: Happy birthday Goosey!
Randy: 10Kan!
Goosey: 10K: we forgot -- my party is next week, so we made this a DEW party!
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: Maria (140,000,000) [+3] (Grishny, NessaChan)
SearchBot: Answer: Colin (45,500,000) [+2]
SearchBot: Answer: Randy (35,300,000) [+1] (Goosey, Maryam, Nyperold, Randy, redsang)
SearchBot: Answer: Connie (19,900,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Marquis (10,900,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Darryl (5,300,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Woodrow (3,960,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: Terrence (2,320,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: Christoper (163,000) [-3]
redsang: I hate it when I forget when my birthday is . .
Randy: hehe
Goosey: oh har har
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the fewest search results? (1) Stephen, (2) Alice, (3) chromo04, (4) sweety, (5) sk8erose7, (6) Slartibartfest, (7) Randy, (8) ThePlant, (9) Rainbow.
Grishny: I hate that too, because when I do I usually forget about Christmas too.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: sk8erose7 (0) [+3] (Grishny, Maryam, Nyperold, Randy)
SearchBot: Answer: chromo04 (31) [+2] (redsang)
SearchBot: Answer: Slartibartfest (52) [+1] (Goosey, NessaChan)
SearchBot: Answer: sweety (2,160,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Randy (35,300,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Rainbow (65,800,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Alice (77,600,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: Stephen (104,000,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: ThePlant (217,000,000) [-3]
10Kan: Goosey: Oh good. I had that tickling in the back of my mind today.
10Kan: That your party was still a week off, that is. Not dew.
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) 296874, (2) Mousie, (3) Stuckey, (4) Bereethor, (5) dashed, (6) household, (7) cva, (8) Saul, (9) 900092.
Goosey: hehe
NessaChan: shoot, I changed my answer!
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: household (64,200,000) [+3] (10Kan, Grishny, Maryam, redsang)
SearchBot: Answer: Saul (6,690,000) [+2] (Nyperold, Randy)
SearchBot: Answer: dashed (2,350,000) [+1] (Goosey)
SearchBot: Answer: cva (1,690,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Stuckey (488,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Mousie (163,000)
SearchBot: Answer: 900092 (15,500) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: 296874 (4,480) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: Bereethor (4) [-3]
redsang: tada!
NessaChan: shoot, I was too slow!
NessaChan: boo on that.
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) birdhouse, (2) pedlar, (3) whisk, (4) gridlocks, (5) pigweed, (6) neuroepithelial, (7) presidiums, (8) pemican, (9) timberhead.
* Goosey applauds redsang
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: birdhouse (4,960,000) [+3] (10Kan, Goosey, Grishny, redsang)
SearchBot: Answer: whisk (4,140,000) [+2] (Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold)
SearchBot: Answer: pemican (368,000) [+1]
SearchBot: Answer: pedlar (322,000)
SearchBot: Answer: pigweed (101,000)
SearchBot: Answer: neuroepithelial (22,100)
SearchBot: Answer: gridlocks (20,700) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: timberhead (8,050) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: presidiums (7,520) [-3]
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'A Mountain Dew eyedrop a day keeps the optometrist awake.' by TopicBot.
10Kan: "Dew Drops: because why should your tongue have all the fun?"
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) Brower, (2) Arevalo, (3) Stamper, (4) Avery, (5) Armenta, (6) Raynor, (7) Grubbs, (8) Serrano, (9) Bagley.
Grishny: Double doube toil and trouble
10Kan: Fire burn and cauldron bubble!
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: Avery (15,300,000) [+3] (Goosey, Grishny, Nyperold, Randy, redsang)
SearchBot: Answer: Serrano (4,620,000) [+2] (10Kan)
SearchBot: Answer: Bagley (3,660,000) [+1]
SearchBot: Answer: Brower (1,300,000) (Maryam)
SearchBot: Answer: Stamper (1,100,000) (NessaChan)
SearchBot: Answer: Raynor (805,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Grubbs (592,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: Arevalo (315,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: Armenta (92,500) [-3]
Maryam: My dad used to know an Iranian who, when asked what any Iranian word meant, would always reply "dewdrop on a rose petal".
Randy: LOL
Kalimeris: Someone at the food stand gave me 5 pieces of chicken instead of 4. Woo!
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Dew Drops: Because Why Should Your Tongue Have All the Fun?' by TopicBot.
10Kan: When shall we three meet again? In thudner, lightning, or in rain?
10Kan: When the hurly-burly's done. When the battle's lost and won!
Goosey: 10K: awesome!
10Kan: Sorry, Macbeth is my favorite 'Speare tragedy.
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) webtz, (2) meaxy, (3) miuya, (4) gfclh, (5) zgwqw, (6) vhzxd, (7) sjxmc, (8) oywtb, (9) eynmo.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: meaxy (730,000) [+3]
SearchBot: Answer: webtz (439,000) [+2] (10Kan, Goosey, Grishny, Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Randy)
SearchBot: Answer: miuya (257) [+1]
SearchBot: Answer: eynmo (50) (TalkingDog)
SearchBot: Answer: zgwqw (33)
SearchBot: Answer: sjxmc (31)
SearchBot: Answer: vhzxd (26) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: gfclh (22) [-2] (redsang)
SearchBot: Answer: oywtb (17) [-3]
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) Rebecca, (2) Clementine, (3) Norine, (4) Ok, (5) Claudia, (6) Tanesha, (7) Agustina, (8) Cinthia, (9) Jacquelyn.
TalkingDog: bork bork bork
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: Ok (242,000,000) [+3] (10Kan, Goosey, Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, TalkingDog)
SearchBot: Answer: Rebecca (44,600,000) [+2]
SearchBot: Answer: Claudia (42,100,000) [+1] (Grishny, Randy, redsang)
SearchBot: Answer: Clementine (2,300,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Jacquelyn (875,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Cinthia (225,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Agustina (201,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: Norine (147,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: Tanesha (26,500) [-3]
NessaChan: This mountain dew has a pleasant seat, it's odor sweetly and pleasantly recommends itself unto our gentle senses
NessaChan: or something.
10Kan: LOL
LaZorra has entered.
TalkingDog: lazooaoiaruoaiupaoi
LaZorra: S
10Kan: Mountain Dew is the stuff that dreams are made of...MIXED WITH CAFFEINE!
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) Dew, (2) Dew, (3) Mountain, (4) Dew, (5) Mountain, (6) Mountain, (7) Mountain, (8) Mountain, (9) Mountain.
TalkingDog: LOL LOL
Maryam: LOL
* LaZorra cracks up.
Goosey: LOL
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: Mountain (170,000,000) [+3] (TalkingDog)
SearchBot: Answer: Mountain (170,000,000) [+2] (LaZorra)
SearchBot: Answer: Mountain (170,000,000) [+1]
SearchBot: Answer: Mountain (170,000,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Mountain (170,000,000) (10Kan, Grishny, Maryam, NessaChan)
SearchBot: Answer: Mountain (170,000,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Dew (8,350,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: Dew (8,350,000) [-2] (Goosey)
SearchBot: Answer: Dew (8,350,000) [-3]
10Kan: WHAT?!
TalkingDog: I picked the right one! Cool!
NessaChan: pfft
* 10Kan wuz robbed!
Grishny: RIGGED!
Goosey: AW!
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Dewnail Polish: Because Why Should Your Tongue And Your Eyes Have All the Fun?' by TopicBot.
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) yielder, (2) neighbor, (3) phosphorescent, (4) plaza, (5) charism, (6) canorous, (7) instil, (8) barnyard, (9) standardization.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: plaza (78,900,000) [+3]
SearchBot: Answer: standardization (4,580,000) [+2] (Goosey, Grishny)
SearchBot: Answer: neighbor (4,530,000) [+1] (10Kan, LaZorra, Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Randy)
SearchBot: Answer: barnyard (2,410,000)
SearchBot: Answer: phosphorescent (378,000)
SearchBot: Answer: instil (260,000)
SearchBot: Answer: charism (221,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: yielder (22,800) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: canorous (17,600) [-3]
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) undoubtedly, (2) bacteremia, (3) tallage, (4) maladaptation, (5) truthfulness, (6) eagerly, (7) aureomycin, (8) thimbleberry, (9) makeweight.
* Randy has fajitas!
* 10Kan has steak!
Maryam: Randy: Yumm.
10Kan: Or had. It was gooood.
Maryam: I am getting hungrier and hungrier.
Goosey: Maryam: good that means you are getting better
Maryam: Goosey: Yeah, but not much actually appeals to me right now.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: eagerly (18,800,000) [+3] (Maryam, Nyperold)
SearchBot: Answer: undoubtedly (7,530,000) [+2] (10Kan, Goosey)
SearchBot: Answer: truthfulness (1,230,000) [+1] (Randy)
SearchBot: Answer: bacteremia (186,000) (Grishny)
SearchBot: Answer: maladaptation (50,900)
SearchBot: Answer: tallage (41,400)
SearchBot: Answer: makeweight (38,200) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: thimbleberry (37,800) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: aureomycin (23,700) [-3]
SearchBot: Nyperold wins!
Goosey: yay
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Dewpers: Because Why Shouldn't Your Butt Have Fun Too?' by TopicBot.
10Kan: I think that I shall never brew / a potion as lovely as Mountain Dew.
NessaChan: I know a boy who often smells like mountain dew
NessaChan: he drinks a lot and I swear it leeches out through his pores
Goosey: nessa: ew
Maryam: Eww.
10Kan: Nessa: Well, that's how it is with alcohol, right?
NessaChan: 10Kan: Makes sense
: By Cornelius, that speech idea you had was a sensation! I told everyone all about the cool refreshing taste of Mountain Dew, and by the time I was finished, nobody knew whether to give me a standing ovation or rush right out and buy a case!
: I'm so proud of you, dear. Did you tell them all about how Mountain Dew is not only tasty inside, but feels good outside?
: I sure did, Brianna! I told them all about how we bathe in Mountain Dew every morning! Boy, if you think old-fashioned water baths rouse those sleep eyes, you ain't seen nothin' till you've experienced the Maximum Awake Power of caffeinated Mountain Dew baths!
Maryam: I have actually seen caffeinated soap for sale.
Maryam: I think it's at ThinkGeek.
NessaChan: lol
: That's right, Ricardo, and besides the invigorating pleasure of a Mountain Dew bath, you come out orangy clean and tasty!
NessaChan: and sticky.
: Not to mention downright irresistible to the ladies!
: Now wait a minute, Ricardo! I hope the ladies know you're taken!
: *laugh* I'm only kidding, Brianna. But seriously, I just love the way Mountain Dew baths leave us nice and sticky, too. That way when I hug you, and you can't get away!
10Kan: I can't believe how much pure, marketing GOLD we're just squandering here.
: *laugh* Oh, Ricardo, you rascal!
NessaChan: LOL
: Say, gracious me, here we are getting carried away talking about the divine taste of Mountain Dew, and I plum forgot to feed the cat this morning!
: You're right, Ricardo. I think a double bowl of milk is called for this morning!
: Double bowl of milk nothing. It's the cool sparkling taste of Mountain Dew for me! That's just good cat sense!
Goosey: ARCHIE
TalkingDog: ARCHIE
NessaChan: ARCHIE
Annabelle25 has entered.
10Kan: Hey Annabelle!
Goosey: Hi annabelle
10Kan: Also: ARCHIE
Annabelle25 is away.
10Kan: She entered at a weird time.
: Why, Archie! How did you know we were talking about you?
: Oh...call it...feline intuition!
Maryam: Or call it "hiding behind the door".
: *laugh*
: *laugh*
: *laugh*
Do the Dew.
Sam: Maryam: LOL
NessaChan: I dew not believe it~
TalkingDog: This must be set during UBT3, since she's apparently not Janet.
10Kan: Mountain Dew: It's Green Because It's Squeezed From Leprechauns
BuzzBot has been summoned by Sam.
[BuzzBot->Nyperold] You're up! Try to get someone to say zebra without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: animal, horse, black, white, stripe, stripes, striped. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Nyperold has been given a buzzword.
TalkingDog: BURZZ
Nyperold: variegated equine
Maryam: zebra
Grishny: zebgra
BuzzBot: Maryam guesses zebra and is correct! Maryam and Nyperold each get a point.
10Kan: camel
Goosey: eep -- forgot to pay attention to Nyperold
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Mountain Dew: Liquid Awesome' by TopicBot.
[BuzzBot->Maryam] You're up! Try to get someone to say water without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: wet, river, ocean, rain, lake. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Maryam has been given a buzzword.
Maryam: We can't live without this.
TalkingDog: Dew
Maryam: And it's not Dew.
Grishny: air
NessaChan: air
Grishny: food
NessaChan: water
Grishny: light
BuzzBot: NessaChan guesses water and is correct! NessaChan and Maryam each get a point.
redsang: water
10Kan: zebra
Grishny: water
Randy: love?
TalkingDog: Hehe. Had to guess...
NessaChan: food
Maryam: But it is dew.
Maryam: Nessa guessed before I could finish my awesome clue.
Goosey: hehe
[BuzzBot->TalkingDog] You're up! Try to get someone to say noise without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: sound, cacophony, hear, listen, loud. Good luck!
BuzzBot: TalkingDog has been given a buzzword.
TalkingDog: The white kind you might use to drown stuff out, maybe.
Goosey: noise
Nyperold: noise
Maryam: noise
10Kan: noise
BuzzBot: Goosey guesses noise and is correct! Goosey and TalkingDog each get a point.
redsang: noise
redsang: boo. I type slow
Goosey: nice clue, TD!
TalkingDog: Woo!
Grishny: boo. I think slow.
* Goosey HUGS redsang!
* Goosey HUGS grishny!
redsang: ouch
[BuzzBot->Grishny] You're up! Try to get someone to say knuckle without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: finger, thumb, hand, joint. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Grishny has been given a buzzword.
Grishny: If you want to fight, you ask someone if they want this kind of sandwich.
Nyperold: knuckle
NessaChan: knuckle
Goosey: knickle
redsang: knuck;lle
Goosey: LOL
BuzzBot: Nyperold guesses knuckle and is correct! Nyperold and Grishny each get a point.
Grishny: No, no no! Bacon and egg, bacon and egg!
Crystal109 has entered.
Crystal109: What kind of coloring is THIS?
[BuzzBot->Crystal109] You're up! Try to get someone to say mushroom without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: shroom, fungus, fungi, grow. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Crystal109 has been given a buzzword.
Grishny: DEW DEW DEW
Randy: DEW
Grishny: Mountain Rule Dews!
10Kan: Ah, and now to sit back and bot with a bottle of my favorite beverage: Big K Citrus Drop!
redsang: wed niatnuom
Crystal109: It's considered poisinous often if you pick and eat it in the wild
Nyperold: IT'S POISIN
Sam: It's posion!
10Kan: Hey Crystal!
Grishny: mushroom
BuzzBot: Grishny guesses mushroom and is correct! Grishny and Crystal109 each get a point.
redsang: nightshade
Crystal109: AH. Poison.
TalkingDog: moxie berry
10Kan: LOL
Crystal109: Yeah, so much for pretending I'm doing work here.
redsang: liquid plumber
Grishny: bacon and egg!
Goosey: hehe
10Kan: You're EARNING green!
[BuzzBot->NessaChan] You're up! Try to get someone to say dew without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: mountain. Good luck!
BuzzBot: NessaChan has been given a buzzword.
Maryam: Crys: Turn off images. ;-)
Crystal109: MONEH.
NessaChan: This is what we're talking about today
Grishny: mountain
Grishny: dew
NessaChan: and it's also on grass in the morning
10Kan: mountain dew
BuzzBot: Grishny guesses dew and is correct! Grishny and NessaChan each get a point.
redsang: dew
Goosey: Mountain dew
Crystal109: dew
Maryam: Nessa: Awesome!
Goosey: wow
NessaChan: :D
NessaChan: it said I wasn't allowed to say mountain lol
Goosey: LOL
[BuzzBot->redsang] You're up! Try to get someone to say mountain without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: dew. Good luck!
BuzzBot: redsang has been given a buzzword.
Grishny: bacon and egg
redsang: climb every one of these
Grishny: mountain
BuzzBot: Grishny guesses mountain and is correct! Grishny and redsang each get a point.
Goosey: mountain
Nyperold: Ford every stream...
Crystal109: LOL
TalkingDog: LOL
10Kan: Mountain Dew: It's like a party in your mouth, and nobody shows so you get all the Dew to yourself!
NessaChan: lol
Grishny: That's gross.
Crystal109: MOUNTAIN DEW.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'A lad, a lass -- A car, a curve -- He kissed the miss -- And missed the curve. -- Mountain Dew.' by TopicBot.
famous has entered.
[BuzzBot->famous] You're up! Try to get someone to say yellow without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: color, colour, sun, red, orange, green, blue, purple, violet. Good luck!
BuzzBot: famous has been given a buzzword.
Grishny: baby dry!
NessaChan: Dewgong
famous: Roy G Biv
famous: The third one
Grishny: rainbow
Goosey: huh?
Maryam: yellow
BuzzBot: Maryam guesses yellow and is correct! Maryam and famous each get a point.
10Kan: Nessa: related to the Mountaintee.
Nyperold: rainbow
famous: Woo.
Goosey: oh
NessaChan: lol
Crystal109: Phew.
famous: We're celebrating MD and no one even bothered to call me?
Grishny: I called you! I called you famous!
Goosey: famous: it was a SNafu -- Sam had mis-dated my party, so we had to some up with another celebration quick
famous: hehehe.
[BuzzBot->Sam] You're up! Try to get someone to say consonant without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: alphabet, vowel, letter, guttural. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Sam has been given a buzzword.
Sam: "Mountain" has four of these, and "Dew" has two.
Grishny: letters
TalkingDog: vowel
Goosey: vowels
Crystal109: consonants?
BuzzBot: Crystal109 guesses consonant and is correct! Crystal109 and Sam each get a point.
famous: Consonant
redsang: consonats
10Kan: consonant
* Goosey can't count
TalkingDog: Oh, right.
Crystal109: YAY VOWELS.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'I'm gonna love Dew, forever and ever, forever and ever, amen.' by TopicBot.
* Goosey also can't type
* TalkingDog only counted the vowels in "mountain".
Kalimeris: Whoa, the lobby, OUR ROOM HAS LEAKED
Crystal109: Kali: I THOUGHT THAT TOO.
Sam: Kali: More Dew for everyone!
[BuzzBot->Goosey] You're up! Try to get someone to say scam without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: money, dishonest, swindle, sucker, scheme, con. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Goosey has been given a buzzword.
Goosey: devious kind of artist
10Kan: The Dew will run in the streets!
Randy: con
Crystal109: forger
Grishny: mime
10Kan: escape
Goosey: cheating artist
Crystal109: spy
Goosey: ____ artist
Crystal109: houdini
Crystal109: escape
NessaChan: forger
10Kan: scam
BuzzBot: 10Kan guesses scam and is correct! 10Kan and Goosey each get a point.
Sam: Mountain Dew Artist
Nyperold: con
NessaChan: swindler
Goosey: yay!
Crystal109: I don't hear scam artist often. Hm.
10Kan: Hurrah! I'm finally on the board!
TalkingDog: I like that scene in Brother Bear where one of the moose is angry at the other, and then the one says "Because I looooov-v-v-v-v... dew." "What? I didn't hear that." "I love... dew." "I love dew too, eh?"
Goosey: TD: yeah
Sam: TD: LOL!
[BuzzBot->Randy] You're up! Try to get someone to say typewriter without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: type, computer, key, keys. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Randy has been given a buzzword.
Randy: Eric just bought one of these
Grishny: hairpiece
famous: phone
Grishny: bacon and egg
Goosey: camera
Grishny: car
Grishny: automobile
Goosey: t shirt
NessaChan: guitar
Randy: to write stuff with
famous: telephone
Grishny: chocolate bar
Grishny: harp
Goosey: pen
famous: typewriter
10Kan: desk
Grishny: clown nose
BuzzBot: famous guesses typewriter and is correct! famous and Randy each get a point.
Goosey: computer
NessaChan: egg nog
Crystal109: I JUST CAME IN. =(
Randy: yay!
Goosey: hehe
famous: The phone was before the typewriter. Eric buys weird stuff.
TalkingDog: Speaking of Rick Moranis, in the Downtown/Skid Row song from Little Shop, the guy on the street who says "...By subway," my mind always hears "Buy Subway."
NessaChan: lol
10Kan: Ooh, subliminal advertising.
[BuzzBot->10Kan] You're up! Try to get someone to say rectify without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: correct, remedy, alcohol, current, adjust. Good luck!
BuzzBot: 10Kan has been given a buzzword.
Grishny: bacon and egg
10Kan: When you don't have enough Dew, you need to immediately _______ the situation.
Grishny: rectify
BuzzBot: Grishny guesses rectify and is correct! Grishny and 10Kan each get a point.
TalkingDog: rectify
Crystal109: assess?
Randy: remedy
NessaChan: remedy
Goosey: remedy
Nyperold: celebrate
Crystal109: Heh Nyp.
10Kan: Infidel!
Crystal109: Oh, yeah. I had a root canal today. Tons of fun.
TalkingDog: Ow.
Crystal109: So I'm a bit sketchy about the soda. =P
10Kan: Crystal: Ouch!
[BuzzBot->NessaChan] You're up! Try to get someone to say pinnacle without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: top, height. Good luck!
BuzzBot: NessaChan has been given a buzzword.
[Sam->10Kan] PM me a couple more topics. You're good at those.
Grishny: Oog
Randy: oooowww
Crystal109: The sad part is, it's my second one in, oh, about a year.
Goosey: owie
NessaChan: This is the apex of a mountain
Goosey: peak
Grishny: pinnacle
TalkingDog: dew
Randy: peak
BuzzBot: Grishny guesses pinnacle and is correct! Grishny and NessaChan each get a point.
Nyperold: peak
Goosey: ACK
Crystal109: Pinnacle!
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'You put your Mountain Dew in, you put your Mountain Dew out. You put your Mountain Dew in, and you shake it all about. You flip the top and wrap your mouth around the whole can! ... That's what it's all about!' by TopicBot.
Grishny: YESH
Crystal109: LOL LOL
Goosey: LOL
TalkingDog: LOL LOL LOL
Randy: O.o?
TalkingDog: INSANITY
NessaChan: lol
Crystal109: YOU SHAKE your soda?
famous: Hehe.
[10Kan->Sam] Mountain Dew: Bottled naturally at the spring on planet Zorgulon 5
NessaChan: This is crazy.
Grishny: That's me getting ready to wrap my mouth 'round the whole can!
<-- now I'm ready
Sam: Grish: LOL
Crystal109: That's...scary.
NessaChan: Mountain Dew better send some cash to Rinkworks for this
[BuzzBot->Sam] You're up! Try to get someone to say magazine without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: read, reading, news, newspaper, article, publication, publish, periodical, week, weekly, month, monthly. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Sam has been given a buzzword.
Sam: If you want to shoot Mountain Dew cans, you might have to load a new __________.
Goosey: gun
Goosey: cartridge
Grishny: sixpack
Crystal109: bazooka
10Kan: shell
TalkingDog: One time I started to open a Dew can someone shook up, but I didn't open it too far, so I completely avoided spillage by slurping the top of the can for several seconds. That was awesome.
10Kan: clip
Grishny: cannon
Grishny: canon
redsang: round
10Kan: magazine
BuzzBot: 10Kan guesses magazine and is correct! 10Kan and Sam each get a point.
[BuzzBot->Nyperold] You're up! Try to get someone to say queen without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: king, prince, princess, royal, monarch, monarchy, Elizabeth. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Nyperold has been given a buzzword.
* TalkingDog is extra weird tonight. Not that he hasn't been entirely out-weirded by Sam.
Grishny: Mountain Dew is the only soft drink I can stand to drink at room temperature! It's that awesome.
Goosey: LOL
Crystal109: Where did this Mountain Dew thing come from, anyway?
Crystal109: At first I was like "Did I miss April Fools?"
TalkingDog: ...I think it was my suggestion.
Sam: Crys: It's this soda you can buy in the store.
Goosey: Crystal: we needed an excuse for a party
Crystal109: TD: Heh. I was wondering.
Crystal109: Sam: REALLY?
Sam: No foolin'.
Crystal109: Wow. Who woulda thought it?
Nyperold: Moves in all 8 directions to the end of the board or until it runs into something.
Grishny: queen
BuzzBot: Grishny guesses queen and is correct! Grishny and Nyperold each get a point.
Goosey: queen
Grishny: It's way better than Moxie.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Mountain Dew: Bottled naturally at the spring on planet Zorgulon 5' by TopicBot.
TalkingDog: Is Zorgulon yellow?
[10Kan->Sam] If aluminum wasn't kryptonite to Mountain Dew, it wouldn't even stay in the bottle.
[10Kan->Sam] Er, can.
Sam: (that was a 10Kan topic, as will be the next one)
* Crystal109 can just get Mountain Dew in her dining hall. Take THAT.
[BuzzBot->Grishny] You're up! Try to get someone to say state without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: sovereign, government, united, states, USA, division. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Grishny has been given a buzzword.
[Sam->10Kan] NICE.
[10Kan->Sam] Thanks!
Grishny: We got 50 of 'em in America
NessaChan: Slurm?
Sam: states
Randy: states
BuzzBot: Sam guesses state and is correct! Sam and Grishny each get a point.
Randy: Missed the clue!
Crystal109: Wow. The saddest part is that I had to think about that.
Nyperold: Is Zorgulon where Nebulon is from?
Sam: No, it's where DEWBULON is from!
* Goosey keeps mistaking clues for non-sequitur conversation bits
[BuzzBot->10Kan] You're up! Try to get someone to say guess without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: estimate, think, thought, predict, prediction, know. Good luck!
BuzzBot: 10Kan has been given a buzzword.
Grishny: bacon and egg!
Goosey: Grishny: LOL
10Kan: I'll make you do this if I refuse to give you any clues.
Grishny: suffer
Goosey: pay
Grishny: guess
BuzzBot: Grishny guesses guess and is correct! Grishny and 10Kan each get a point.
NessaChan: annoyed
Goosey: hehe
Crystal109: LOL
Sam: LOL
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'If aluminum wasn't kryptonite to Mountain Dew, it wouldn't even stay in the can.' by TopicBot.
[BuzzBot->Randy] You're up! Try to get someone to say meteor without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: space, rock, stone, boulder, planet, asteroid. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Randy has been given a buzzword.
Grishny: Does that mean that somewhere, there are people drinking Superman?
* Goosey can FINALLY see blue sky!
TalkingDog: Where's my favorite?: "I think of coins as potential Mountain Dew."
Crystal109: It's a very scary place.
Randy: The pleiades is an awesome version
Grishny: constellation
Crystal109: constellation
Grishny: cluster
Crystal109: star
Crystal109: galaxy
Grishny: starscape
Goosey: neblua
Nyperold: sister
Randy: A shower or sorts
[10Kan->Sam] Mountain Dew is like Soylent Green, but made entirley out of rock stars, rugby players and astronauts.
Goosey: nebula
Crystal109: meteor
BuzzBot: Crystal109 guesses meteor and is correct! Crystal109 and Randy each get a point.
Goosey: meteor
Crystal109: comet
Goosey: ack
Crystal109: Whoooo.
Grishny: I think you mean the Perseids or something like that.
[Sam->10Kan] LOL. Ok, but I have to modify that one a bit.
Randy: Oh
[BuzzBot->TalkingDog] You're up! Try to get someone to say souvenir without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: vacation, reminder, remember, buy, purchase. Good luck!
BuzzBot: TalkingDog has been given a buzzword.
[10Kan->Sam] Okay.
Randy: I'm not great at astronomy
Crystal109: I would have been good with the Leonids.
TalkingDog: An overpriced T-shirt from Disney World.
Crystal109: mickey
10Kan: souvenir
BuzzBot: 10Kan guesses souvenir and is correct! 10Kan and TalkingDog each get a point.
Goosey: merchandise
famous: souvenier
Crystal109: expensive
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'DOTLD DA BETS GMAE!!!!' by TopicBot.
Crystal109: heh.
NessaChan: donald
TalkingDog: LOL
[BuzzBot->famous] You're up! Try to get someone to say peasant without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: poor, person, people, medieval. Good luck!
BuzzBot: famous has been given a buzzword.
[Sam->10Kan] That's probably enough, too. I'm quitting after this game.
Grishny: It's the end of the world as we know it.
Crystal109: And I feel fine.
[10Kan->Sam] That's good. I'm running out of steam.
Grishny: (good song)
Grishny: (listening to it now)
BuzzBot: Time's up! No score. The buzzword was peasant.
* Goosey pokes famous
NessaChan: burninating the countryside~
Randy: LOL!
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'I think of coins as potential Mountain Dew.' by TopicBot.
TalkingDog: Excellent.
[BuzzBot->redsang] You're up! Try to get someone to say vacuum without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: clean, cleaner, cleaning, space, suck. Good luck!
BuzzBot: redsang has been given a buzzword.
Grishny: SPC
Crystal109: Not...yeah.
NessaChan: lol
* NessaChan falls asleep
BuzzBot: Time's up! No score. The buzzword was vacuum.
* Goosey pokes redsang
Randy: hehe
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Mountain Dew is like Soylent Green, but made entirley out of rock stars, astronauts, pirates, ninjas, and Archie.' by TopicBot.
Maryam: nooooo archie
TalkingDog: noooooo, not archieeee
Grishny: What about zombies and robots?
Sam: Sure.
10Kan: Grishny; The robots bottle it and the zombies put it in the vending machines.
[BuzzBot->Goosey] You're up! Try to get someone to say ulcer without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: stomach, tummy, stress, bleed, blood. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Goosey has been given a buzzword.
* Grishny pokes Goosey! Grishny pokes Goosey!
NessaChan: mountain dew
* Crystal109 has poked Goosey.
Goosey: owie in the belly
Randy: flu?
Grishny: stomachache
Sam: stomach ache
Sam: tummy
Grishny: bellyache
Crystal109: acid
Goosey: when you are under pressure
10Kan: influenza
10Kan: cramp
Randy: gas
Grishny: appendicitis
Crystal109: butterfly
Goosey: starts with u
10Kan: butterflies
Crystal109: upset
Nyperold: ulcer
10Kan: ulcer
Grishny: vomit
BuzzBot: Nyperold guesses ulcer and is correct! Nyperold and Goosey each get a point.
Sam: unsettled
Maryam: ulcer
Goosey: hehe
NessaChan: stress
[BuzzBot->Crystal109] You're up! Try to get someone to say clean without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: dirt, dirty, wipe, scrub, rinse, new, house, work, housework. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Crystal109 has been given a buzzword.
Crystal109: When you wash your clothes, you make them _____.
Grishny: shine
Goosey: clean
Grishny: clean
10Kan: clean
NessaChan: clean
BuzzBot: Goosey guesses clean and is correct! Goosey and Crystal109 each get a point.
10Kan: wet
Nyperold: wet
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'What else can we say about Mountain Dew? Oh yeah! It tastes pretty good.' by TopicBot.
Crystal109: TopicBot scares me.
Nyperold: Dewby dewby dew...
[BuzzBot->TalkingDog] You're up! Try to get someone to say wheelbarrow without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: wheel, garden, leaf, leaves. Good luck!
BuzzBot: TalkingDog has been given a buzzword.
Crystal109: Scooby doooooo.
Randy: You don't dew? Whats the matter with yew?
Grishny: It is possible to suffer from Mountain Dew withdrawal. I have seen this with my own eyes.
TalkingDog: Transportation device with only one rotating circle thingy. Not a unicycle.
Grishny: Neverending soooda
Sam: aahh-ah-ahhh, ahh-ah-ahh, ahh-ah-ahhh
Grishny: unicycle
Randy: monocycle?
10Kan: monocycle
Crystal109: LOL
NessaChan: My cousin has a dog named DEWy
Goosey: UFO
Crystal109: segway
10Kan: helicopter
Sam: segway
NessaChan: bike
NessaChan: bicycle
BuzzBot: Time's up! No score. The buzzword was wheelbarrow.
TalkingDog: Blar.
Crystal109: LOL
Grishny: (unicycle)
* Goosey HUGS TD!
* TalkingDog HUGS Gooseycycle!
Goosey: LOL
Grishny: Hurray! Point to me!
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Mountain Dew: So Awesome, It Would Be Like Not Having Any Eyes...If Not Having Any Eyes Were Considered Obscenely Awesome' by TopicBot.
Sam: Crys: LOL LOL LOL
[BuzzBot->Grishny] You're up! Try to get someone to say pollen without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: flower, bee, honey, yellow. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Grishny has been given a buzzword.
Grishny: Causes many allergic reactions in the spring.
Sam: pollen
10Kan: pollen
Nyperold: pollen
BuzzBot: Sam guesses pollen and is correct! Sam and Grishny each get a point.
BuzzBot: Grishny wins!
Goosey: pollen
Crystal109: polle
10Kan: Yay Grishny!
Nyperold: coiled metal
Grishny: woo.
NessaChan: woo
: Say, Brianna. I think we're finally alone!
: That's right, Ricardo. There aren't a lot of people on the Internet watching us right now!
Grishny: I CAN SEE YOU
: That means we can finally be cutesy with each other again!
Goosey: I'm SPYIng on you!
: Oh boy!
: ...darling doople mountain dewpsie dew...
: ...schnookie weepie boo-boo dew-dew citris moo...
: ...ickle mookum caffeine bunny honey...
: ...lovalumpkin sparkly tasty goldie...
Do the Dew.
Grishny: She called him "dew dew"
Sam: Here ends the Mountain Dew Party!
Goosey: YAY!
10Kan: It was a fine party.
Grishny: Aw
Goosey: Great party Sam!
Randy: Its over?
Randy: ok
Crystal109: Teehee.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been removed by Sam.
NessaChan: I heart Brianna and Ricardo and archie
Six days later....
: *singing* Oh, if your car starts to sput-sput-sputter!
: *singing* Y'all don' let it put-put-putter!
* TalkingDog blinks.
: *singing* Listen to me, I'll tell you what to do!
: *singing* Drain the oil, and put in Dew!
Do the Dew.
TalkingDog: LOL
Maryam: hehehe
Randy: LOL
NessaChan: YAY
Sam: I had one more to get out of my system, I guess.
Kysle: Oil and Dew do NOT sound nice together.
Kalimeris: That's why you DRAIN the oil
NessaChan: with all those great people telling me to do dew, I may as well
NessaChan: I can't not listen to Jay
Sam: LOL
NessaChan: But if my car dies I'm blaming Sam
Kalimeris: Sam, quick, write a disclaimer
Kalimeris: Caution: Contents May Be Dew
* LaZorra comes back and cracks up.
LaZorra: *sigh* Poor Buck, being forced into the role of villain.
LaZorra: Randy: I like IMAGINARY boys.
: *sniff*
: An' here I thought I just wasn't your type. *cry*
LaZorra: Dude, you frigging played Buck.
: Oh yeah.
* LaZorra HUGS BuckDude!
: I reckon I gotta do black and white more often. Yeehaw.
LaZorra: hehehehe
: *uses hat to hide the kissin'*
Randy: hehe
Ten minutes later....
Sam: About time you came up for air.
LaZorra: HEY
LaZorra: Stop spying on my imaginary kissing.
* Randy turns the other way...
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