Archives: A Brief Change of Heart
Once upon a time, Stephen very nearly became nice.
Leen: I heard that New Zealand pushed us out of third. You suxor! :-P~~
Stephen: Go NZ!
RinkChat: User Stephen has been kicked from the chat room by Leen.
Stephen has left.
Stephen has entered.
Brunnen_G: HEY!
Leen: :)
Stephen: What's that about!?
Stephen: I didn't realize this chat room had been taken over by NAZIS!
Stephen: GO GERMANY!!!
Sam: We're not Nazis. We're average red-blooded all-American dictators.
Corrino: Seig Heil!
Stephen: Herr Stoddard: AS YOU SAY! Far be it from me to have a dissenting opinion!
RinkChat: User Stephen has been kicked from the chat room by Sam.
Stephen has left.
Stephen has entered.
Stephen: What's wrong with you people? Maybe you're Commies?
* Sam just likes kicking Stephen.
* Jimmy_Of_York wants to kick Stephen for once.
Stephen: So you're a racist!
Stephen: Dave: YES!!! THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE!
Stephen: NAZI!!!
RinkChat: User Stephen has been kicked from the chat room by Sam.
Stephen has left.
Stephen has entered.
Stephen: I guess THE TRUTH has been banned from this chatroom too!
RinkChat: User Stephen has been kicked from the chat room by Sam.
Stephen has left.
Stephen has entered.
Stephen: I like RinkWorks it's great! Sam is awesome too!
Stephen: The only person cooler than Sam is Leen, whose beauty and wit astound me on a regular basis!
RinkChat: User Stephen has been made an operator by Sam.
* Sam demonstrates the effectiveness of positive and negative reinforcement.
Stephen: Wow! Thanks Sam! You're totally keen!
Brunnen_G: Ooh, nice brainwashing there.
Ayako: I like RinkWorks it's great! Sam is awesome too!
Ayako: The only person cooler than Sam is Leen, whose beauty and wit astound me on a regular basis!
RinkChat: User Ayako has been made an operator by Sam.
Ayako: Yeah!
Ayako: Thanks Sam! You're totally keen!
Brunnen_G: Uh oh. It's contagious.
Stephen: Wow, Ayako! You're being completely far out!
Ferrick: That's not positive and negative reinforcement.
Ferrick: But it is punishment and reward.
Stephen: Ferrick: Oh, don't go picking nits with Sam's phrasing!
Stephen: There are better things to do, like reading Things People Said! It's so hilarious!
* Brunnen_G thinks the new Stephen is...scary
Brunnen_G: Come on! I'm sure you can think of at least one reason you hate us all!
Stephen: BG: Well, I hate you because you're not American and your team beat ours or something like that! But otherwise, not at all!
Brunnen_G: Sam, look what you've done. You've taken away that virulent and venom-spitting sneer we all have come to know and..er...know.
Sensei_Le_Roof: Welcome to the Twilight Zone of RinkChat...
* Brunnen_G feels like she's been time-warped into an episode of "Happy Days."
Ferrick: Sit on it, Brunnen_G!
Stephen: I love Happy Days!
Stephen: It's so gosh darn American!
* Sam apparently stumbled upon his greatest accomplishment ever tonight. Sam made Stephen a nice person.
Stephen: That Fonzi is a total cut-up!
Brunnen_G: Oh, my. This is like that episode in Bloom County when the aliens abducted Steve and turned him into a sensitive new age man.
* Sensei_Le_Roof is beginning to get scared, and backs toward the door
Jimmy_Of_York: SHUT UP!!! YOU'RE aLL FREAKS!!!
Jimmy_Of_York: *FRAEKS
Stephen: JOY: Simmer down, friend.
Stephen: BG: Oh, I love comics! Do you ever read The Family Circus?
Stephen: Little Billy... what a handful he must be to his parents! But he's so precious!
RinkChat: User Djinn has been labeled 'Terrified...' by Djinn.
Corrino: I must go.
Stephen: Corrino: Thanks for stopping by! Make sure to come again!
Stephen: Remember, RinkWorks is the best site on the internet!
* Corrino runs screaming from Sam's mind control...
Corrino: Must...love...RinkWorks...
Corrino: Tell...all...friends...
Corrino: Seig Heil Sam!
Stephen: Corrino: That's the spirit! Have a nice night!
Stephen: Wait a minute, don't be sarcastic like that!
* Corrino marches off in perfect...almost inhuman...rhythym.
Stephen: If you're going to joke, you shouldn't make quips about World War II
Corrino: Okay.
Stephen: You should pick a better subject, like "Why are jars of jelly so gosh darn hard to open?"
Corrino: Sam is cool.
Stephen: Why, he sure is!
Ferrick: RinkWorks beats everything.
Ferrick: Rinkworks is the limit.
Stephen: You've got that right! It's the cat's pajamas!
Ferrick: RinkWorks is the bee's knees.
* Sensei_Le_Roof has never seen a cat in pajamas
Stephen: Sensei: I did one time! It was the funniest thing ever! I was in stitches all night!
Brunnen_G: I wonder how we can get Stephen's brain back.
Jimmy_Of_York: We could try hitting him with a log!
RinkChat: User Stephen has been kicked from the chat room by Dave.
Stephen has left.
Stephen has entered.
Dave: Stop being so damn nice.
Stephen: You damned COMMIE NAZIS! I'm going to kill all of you!
Sam: Great.
Dave: That did it.
* Sam preferred nice Stephen. Even if it's still annoying, it's annoying in a completely different sort of way and is a nice change.
Brunnen_G: Sam: Yeah, but it's just wrong. Nice Stephen is like evil Kiki. It's not something my world view can handle.
Dave: I like the old Stephen better.
Stephen: Dave: You suck harder than something that would get censored if I said it.
Sam: Now I have to fix him.
RinkChat: User Stephen has been kicked from the chat room by Sam.
Stephen has left.
Stephen has entered.
Stephen: You SUCK!
* Sam wonders how one might get a neutral sort of Stephen.
RinkChat: User Stephen has been shrunken by Sam.
* Sam wonders if that will work.
Stephen: Dammit Sam!
Stephen: This is queer! YOU ARE SUCK SAM!
Sensei_Le_Roof: Throw lemons at him
* Jimmy_Of_York thinks /quiet might work
Brunnen_G: If Sam quiets Stephen, we'll have to sit here giving ourselves paper cuts to get the same effect of his conversation.
* Sam sings Stephen a soothing lullaby. "Jean Reno...and Sam-u-el...E-L. Jackson and Half Life...Sta-ar-craft...and Jeff K...and Ghibli Studios anime....
Stephen: Sorry Sam. Ain't gonna work on me!
Sam: Darn.
Sam: Fine, then.
Sam: You SUXOR.
Stephen: No, YOU DO!
* Sam sighs.
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