Archives: The Great Ginger Ale Tragedy
The Great Ginger Ale Tragedy occurred on the 27th; this transcript chronicles
that fateful event and the aftermath that extended into the next couple
Dave: Ah! I hate you Darien!
Darien: Dave: Err... I love you, too...
Darien: What did I do?
Dave: Darien: I just coughed ginger ale all over myself. If you hadn't been talking about ginger ale a few nights ago, I never would have *had* any ginger ale to cough on myself. Hence, this is all your fault and I hate you.
* Darien feels bad now...
Dave: Darien: You also have to come up here and clean my chair and keyboard.
Dave: Does ginger ale stain?
Darien: Dave: Not that I know of.
Dave: Luckily I caught most of it in my hand.
Dave: Then I had to slurp it back up though. Grr.
Kiki: eeeewwwwww
Sam: Dave: Dare I ask what made you cough ginger ale all over yourself?
Dave: Sam: I don't know. It was just one of those random things. I was taking a sip, and then *wammo*, I was struck with a coughing fit. It really sucked, and it's all Darien's fault.
* Darien sucks.
* Darien is entirely to blame.
* Darien deserves to be shot in the eye.
* Darien should be drawn and quartered and sacrificed on an altar to the pagan deity of coughing up ginger ale and getting it all over your chair and keyboard and clothing...
* Darien stopped repenting and started mocking at some point during this exchange, but even he isn't sure where.
Mel: wow, they have a god for everything these days...
Dave: Darien: You must never speak of ginger ale again. It was all your talk about ginger ale this and ginger ale that that made me crave ginger ale. So I went and bought some, and look what happens!
* Darien thinks that if Dave bought root beer instead, he would now have root beer all over his stuff. And root beer *does* stain.
* Dave thinks Darien is missing the point. Dave would not have bought root beer. He would not have bought ginger ale, either--except that DARIEN made him crave it.
* Darien thinks Dave would have done better to bury the ginger ale in the sand somewhere.
Dave: Well, I have to go. I need to CLEAN UP. Goodnight, everyone.
Dave has entered.
Dave: Hey everyone.
Darien: All cleaned up?
Dave: Yes. No thanks to you.
Darien: Heh. :-P
Darien: I'm leaving anyway, so you won't get any more ginger ale curses from me.
Dave: Well, fine.
Darien: What? You *want* more ginger ale curses? Is that it?
Darien: I'm leaving. :-} Goodnight, all!
Dave: Later, ginger ale curse man.
* Darien throws ginger ale curses at Dave! GINGER ALE!!!
Darien: Hi, Dave. How's the ginger ale doing? Oops, I mentioned ginger ale. Darn it! I need to stop saying ginger ale!
Dave: I hate you Darien. My chair at home still smells like ginger ale. It's all your fault.
Darien: The smell might come out if you bury it in the sand. I hear that works wonders sometimes.
Mousie: Dave, I didn't know ginger ale had a smell. At least not one that stays.
Dave has entered.
Darien: Hey there, ginger ale target!
RinkChat: User Darien has been kicked from the chat room by Dave.
Darien has left.
Darien has entered.
Dave: Darien: My chair still smells. You suck.
Darien: Hey, which one of us yakked up the ginger ale? I do believe it's not entirely my fault, Mr. Target!
GingerAle has entered.
Dave: Ahh!
RinkChat: User GingerAle has been kicked from the chat room by Dave.
GingerAle has left.
Stephen: Oh great. I just coughed ginger ale all over myself.
RinkChat: User Darien has been kicked from the chat room by Dave.
Darien has left.
Darien has entered.
Darien: Hey! It's not *my* fault!
Dave: Darien: Stephen reminded me of the whole thing, and it's your fault.
Marvin: Dave, I was supposed to ask you about ginger ale...
RinkChat: User Darien has been kicked from the chat room by Dave.
Darien has left.
Marvin: What? Why?
Darien has entered.
Dave: Marvin: I think Sam has to archive this. I don't want to explain how I coughed ginger ale all over myself (and how it was all DARIEN'S FAULT) every day.
Stephen: Hey Dave, Darien told me to say this to you "Hahaha, you got ginger ale all over you!"
RinkChat: User Stephen has been kicked from the chat room by Dave.
Stephen has left.
Stephen has entered.
Marvin: Someone want to fill me in?
Darien: Marvin: Dave yakked ginger ale all over himself, and it's my fault. So now anytime anyone says "ginger ale," I get kicked.
Dave: I did not "yak". I merely coughed. Unfortunately, I happened to have a mouthful of ginger ale at the time.
Dave: Ahh! Sam, you *need* to archive that whole proceeding. Explaining it to everyone is getting tedious :-)
Darien: Doctor StrangeDave: Or, how I learned to stop worrying and spit ginger ale all over myself.
Darien: That would be much funnier if Dave were here to kick me.
RinkChat: User Darien has been kicked from the chat room by Stephen.
Darien has left.
Darien has entered.
Stephen: Since Dave's away, I thought I'd take his place for you :)
Darien: Thanks, Stephen, but it's not quite the same. :-}
Dave: I had three Ginger Ales on my trip, and didn't cough once.
Darien: Dave: Good job! I removed all of my ginger ale curses, because I knew how important this trip was to you.
Sam: So who's up for some improv haiku?
Dave: I like Diet Coke / I do not like Ginger Ale / Darien is dumb.
Darien: Improv haiku: I like to laugh when / Dave coughs ginger ale all over / and blames it on me.
Darien: I love Nutella. :-}
shadowfax: Durnit Darien. Now i'm gonna have to go buy a jar of the stuff tomorrow, and it's gonna be a blizzard according to the weather :P This is ALL your fault.
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