Name Games
---- -----
Stephen Atkinson Balls of Steel
Allen H Blum III Major Stryker Duke Nukem Cosmo's Adventure
Duke Nukem II Duke Nukem 3D Shadow Warrior
} Jeremy Blumel Duke: Manhattan
George Broussard Pharaoh's Tomb Arctic Adventure Duke Nukem 3D
Shadow Warrior
Stephen Cole Duke 3D: Atomic Shadow Warrior
Joel Finch Balls of Steel
Andre Foucault Hocus Pocus
Shaun Gadalla Wacky Wheels
Richard Gray Duke Nukem 3D
Shawn Green Jumpman Lives!
Tom Hall Keen: Vorticons Keen: Galaxy Keen: Aliens*
Wolfenstein 3D Spear of Destiny* Rise of the Triad
Extreme ROTT
} Matt Harris Duke: Manhattan
Marty Howe Max Payne
} Anssi Hyytiainen Max Payne Max Payne 2
} Petri Jarvilehto Max Payne 2
} Mikael Kasurinen Max Payne 2
} Saku Lehtinen Max Payne Max Payne 2
} Aki Maatta Max Payne Max Payne 2
Frank Maddin Monster Bash
Nolan Martin Blake: Aliens
Mike Maynard Blake: Aliens Blake: Strike
Scott Miller The Kroz Series Monuments of Mars
Jim Molinets Raptor
Jim Norwood Bio Menace Shadow Warrior
John Passfield Alien Carnage
Randy Pitchford Duke 3D: Atomic Shadow Warrior
James Podesta Stargunner
Bobby Prince Wolfenstein 3D
Mark Randel Terminal Velocity
Jennifer D Reitz Boppin
Todd J Replogle The Thor Trilogy Monuments of Mars Dark Ages
Duke Nukem Cosmo's Adventure
Eric Reuter Shadow Warrior
John Romero Keen: Vorticons Keen: Galaxy Keen: Aliens*
Wolfenstein 3D Spear of Destiny*
James T Row Blake: Aliens Blake: Strike
Keith Schuler Paganitzu Realms of Chaos Duke 3D: Atomic
Shadow Warrior
Joe Siegler Rise of the Triad Extreme ROTT
Joe Selinske Rise of the Triad Terminal Velocity
} Kris Stout Duke: Manhattan
} Tero Tolsa Max Payne Max Payne 2
} Robert Travis Duke: Manhattan
Marianna Vayntrub Rise of the Triad
} Samuli Viikinen Max Payne Max Payne 2
} Chris Voss Duke: Manhattan
Mike Voss Hocus Pocus
} Mikael Wahlberg Max Payne 2
* - An id game.