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[4.3.2] Artists

  Name               Games
  ----               -----
  Randy Abraham      Duke Nukem II
  Stephen Atkinson   Balls of Steel
  Debra Berry        Blake: Aliens      Blake: Strike
} Henri Blafield     Max Payne          Max Payne 2
  Allen H Blum III   Dark Ages          Major Stryker      Duke Nukem
  George Broussard   Pharaoh's Tomb     Arctic Adventure   Secret Agent
                     Crystal Caves      Duke Nukem
} Mike Buck          Duke: Manhattan
} Ryan Butts         Duke: Manhattan
  Adrian Carmack     Keen: Vorticons    Keen: Galaxy       Keen: Aliens*
                     Wolfenstein 3D
} Jeramy Cooke       Duke: Manhattan
  Erinn Day          Realms of Chaos
  Manda Dee          Monster Bash
  David Demaret      Duke Nukem 3D
  Joel Finch         Balls of Steel
  Rich Fleider       Raptor
  Shaun Gadalla      Wacky Wheels
  Todd Gill          Balls of Steel
  Robert Grace       Balls of Steel
} Dave Graham        Duke: Manhattan
  Kim Grantham       Balls of Steel
  Karl Hagood        Terminal Velocity
} Peter Hajba        Max Payne          Max Payne 2
  Drew Haworth       Terminal Velocity
  Teemu Heinilehto   Max Payne
  Brad Heitmeyer     Terminal Velocity
  Dale Homburg       Math Rescue
  Jimmie Homburg     Math Rescue
  Stephen A Hornback Major Stryker      Cosmo's Adventure  Duke Nukem II
                     Rise of the Triad  Terminal Velocity  Duke Nukem 3D
                     Shadow Warrior     Balls of Steel
  Mark Humphrey      Terminal Velocity
} Mikko Huovinen     Max Payne 2
  Anssi Hyytiainen   Max Payne
  Petri Jarvilehto   Death Rally
  Dov Jelen          XenoPhage
  Chuck Jones        Boppin             Rise of the Triad  Duke Nukem 3D
                     Shadow Warrior
  Dirk Jones         Realms of Chaos    Duke Nukem 3D
  Jerry K Jones      Blake: Aliens      Blake: Strike
  Kiia Kallio        Max Payne
  Matti Kamula       Max Payne
} Saku Lehtinen      Max Payne          Max Payne 2
} Marko Leinonen     Max Payne          Max Payne 2
} Richard Lico       Duke: Manhattan
} Aki Maatta         Max Payne          Max Payne 2
  Frank Maddin       Crystal Caves
  Lucinda Maddin     Crystal Caves
} Dave Manuel        Duke: Manhattan
} Todd Marshall      Duke: Manhattan
  Brian Martel       Duke 3D: Atomic    Shadow Warrior
  Eetu Martola       Max Payne
} Thomas Miller      Duke: Manhattan
  Tim Neveu          Raptor             Rise of the Triad
  Jim Norwood        Jumpman Lives!     Secret Agent       Crystal Caves
                     Duke Nukem         Bio Menace         Shadow Warrior
  Les Pardew         Major Stryker
  Stephanie Peaden   Realms of Chaos
  Bud Pembroke       Word Rescue
  Leo Plow           Stargunner
  James Podesta      Stargunner         Balls of Steel
  Ted Poulter        Balls of Steel
  Jennifer D Reitz   Boppin
  Todd J Replogle    Monuments of Mars
  Lori Richards      XenoPhage
  Ray Rodrigeuz      Terminal Velocity
} Sami Saramaki      Max Payne          Max Payne 2
  Keith Schuler      Paganitzu
  Steve Seefeld      Balls of Steel
  Terry Simmons      Terminal Velocity
  Susan Singer       Rise of the Triad  Realms of Chaos
  Gary Sirois        Major Stryker
} Jason Smith        Duke: Manhattan
  Steven Stamatiadis Alien Carnage
  James Storey       Rise of the Triad  Terminal Velocity  Duke Nukem 3D
} Tero Tolsa         Max Payne 2
} Robert Travis      Duke: Manhattan
} Sami Vanhatalo     Death Rally        Max Payne          Max Payne 2
  Sampsa Virtanen    Death Rally
} Mikael Wahlberg    Max Payne 2
  Michael Wallin     Shadow Warrior
  Lindsay Whipp      Mystic Towers
  Doug Wood          Duke Nukem 3D      Shadow Warrior

 * - An id game.

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